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HD 119285



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The NaI D resonance lines in main-sequence late-type stars
We study the sodium D lines (D1: 5895.92Å D2: 5889.95Å) inlate-type dwarf stars. The stars have spectral types between F6 and M5.5(B - V between 0.457 and 1.807) and metallicity between [Fe/H] = -0.82and 0.6. We obtained medium-resolution echelle spectra using the 2.15-mtelescope at the Argentinian observatory Complejo Astronómico ElLeoncito (CASLEO). The observations have been performed periodicallysince 1999. The spectra were calibrated in wavelength and in flux. Adefinition of the pseudo-continuum level is found for all ourobservations. We also define a continuum level for calibration purposes.The equivalent width of the D lines is computed in detail for all ourspectra and related to the colour index (B - V) of the stars. Whenpossible, we perform a careful comparison with previous studies.Finally, we construct a spectral index (R'D) as the ratiobetween the flux in the D lines and the bolometric flux. We find that,once corrected for the photospheric contribution, this index can be usedas a chromospheric activity indicator in stars with a high level ofactivity. Additionally, we find that combining some of our results, weobtain a method to calibrate in flux stars of unknown colour.

Hα and the Ca II H and K lines as activity proxies for late-type stars
Context: The main chromospheric activity indicator is the S index, whichis the ratio of the flux in the core of the Ca II H and K lines to thecontinuum nearby, and is well studied for stars from F to K. Anotherchromospheric proxy is the Hα line, which is believed to betightly correlated with the Ca II index. Aims: In this work wecharacterize both chromospheric activity indicators, the one associatedwith the H and K Ca II lines and the other with Hα, for the wholerange of late type stars, from F to M. Methods: We present periodicmedium-resolution echelle observations covering the complete visualrange, taken at the CASLEO Argentinean Observatory over 7 years. We usea total of 917 flux-calibrated spectra for 109 stars that range from F6to M5. We statistically study these two indicators for stars ofdifferent activity levels and spectral types. Results: We directlyderive the conversion factor that translates the known S index to fluxin the Ca II cores, and extend its calibration to a wider spectralrange. We investigate the relation between the activity measurements inthe calcium and hydrogen lines, and found that the usual correlationobserved is the product of the dependence of each flux on stellarcolour, and not the product of similar activity phenomena.Tables 1 and 2 and full Figs. 1 and 6 are only available in electronicform at http://www.aanda.org

High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of T Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga complex
Context: Differences have been reported between the X-ray emission ofaccreting and non-accreting stars. Some observations have suggested thataccretion shocks could be responsible for part of the X-ray emission inclassical T Tauri stars (CTTS). Aims: We present high-resolutionX-ray spectroscopy for nine pre-main sequence stars in order to test theproposed spectroscopic differences between accreting and non-accretingpre-main sequence stars. Methods: We used X-ray spectroscopy fromthe XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometers and the EPICinstruments. We interpret the spectra using optically thin thermalmodels with variable abundances, together with an absorption columndensity. For BP Tau and AB Aur we derive electron densities from the Ovii triplets. Results: Using the O vii/O viii count ratios as adiagnostic for cool plasma, we find that CTTS display a soft excess(with equivalent electron temperatures of ≈2.5-3 MK) when comparedwith WTTS or zero-age main-sequence stars. Although the O vii triplet inBP Tau is consistent with a high electron density (3.4 ×1011 cm-3), we find low density for the accretingHerbig star AB Aur (ne < 1010 cm-3).The element abundances of accreting and non-accreting stars are similar.The Ne abundance is found to be high (4-6 times the Fe abundance) in allK and M-type stars. In contrast, for the three G-type stars (SU Aur, HD283572, and HP Tau/G2), we find an enhanced Fe abundance (0.4-0.8 timessolar photospheric values) compared to later-type stars. Conclusions: Adding the results from our sample to formerhigh-resolution studies of T Tauri stars, we find a soft excess in allaccreting stars, but in none of the non-accretors. On the other hand,high electron density and high Ne/Fe abundance ratios do not seem to bepresent in all accreting pre-main sequence stars.

Coronal Abundances in Orion Nebula Cluster Stars
Following the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP) observation, wehave studied the chemical composition of the hot plasma in a sample of146 X-ray-bright pre-main-sequence stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster(ONC). We report measurements of individual element abundances for asubsample of 86 slightly absorbed and bright X-ray sources, usinglow-resolution X-ray spectra obtained from the Chandra ACIS instrument.The X-ray emission originates from a plasma with temperatures andelemental abundances very similar to those of active coronae in olderstars. A clear pattern of abundances versus first ionization potential(FIP) is evident if solar photospheric abundances are assumed asreference. The results are validated by extensive simulations. Theobserved abundance distributions are compatible with a single pattern ofabundances for all stars, although a weak dependence on flare loop sizemay be present. The abundance of calcium is the only one which appearsto vary substantially between stars, but this quantity is affected byrelatively large uncertainties. The ensemble properties of theX-ray-bright COUP sources confirm that the iron in the emitting plasmais underabundant with respect to both the solar composition and theaverage stellar photospheric values. Comparison of the present plasmaabundances with those of the stellar photospheres and those of thegaseous component of the nebula indicates a good agreement for all theother elements with available measurements, and in particular for thehigh-FIP elements (Ne, Ar, O, and S) and for the low-FIP element Si. Weconclude that there is evidence of a significant chemical fractionationeffect only for iron, which appears to be depleted by a factor 1.5-3with respect to the stellar composition.

The photospheric abundances of active binaries. III. Abundance peculiarities at high activity levels
We report the determination from high-resolution spectra of theatmospheric parameters and abundances of 13 chemical species (amongwhich lithium) in 8 single-lined active binaries. These data arecombined with our previous results for 6 other RS CVn systems to examinea possible relationship between the photospheric abundance patterns andthe stellar activity level. The stars analyzed are generally found toexhibit peculiar abundance ratios compared to inactive, Galactic diskstars of similar metallicities. We argue that this behaviour is unlikelyto be an artefact of errors in the determination of the atmosphericparameters or non-standard mixing processes along the red giant branch,but diagnoses instead the combined action of various physical processesrelated to activity. The most promising candidates are cool spot groupscovering a very substantial fraction of the stellar photosphere or NLTEeffects arising from nonthermal excitation. However, we cannot excludethe possibility that more general shortcomings in our understanding ofK-type stars (e.g. inadequacies in the atmospheric models) also play asignificant role. Lastly, we call attention to the unreliability of the(V-R) and (V-I) colour indices as temperature indicators inchromospherically active stars.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory,Chile (Proposals 64.L-0249 and 071.D-0260).Table A.1 is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymousftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/426/1007

On the determination of oxygen abundances in chromospherically active stars
We discuss oxygen abundances derived from [O I] λ6300s and the OI triplet in stars spanning a wide range in chromospheric activitylevel, and show that these two indicators yield increasingly discrepantresults with higher chromospheric/coronal activity measures. While theforbidden and permitted lines give fairly consistent results forsolar-type disk dwarfs, spuriously high O I triplet abundances areobserved in young Hyades and Pleiades stars, as well as in individualcomponents of RS CVn binaries (up to 1.8 dex). The distinct behaviour ofthe [O I]-based abundances which consistently remain near-solar suggeststhat this phenomenon mostly results from large departures from LTEaffecting the O I triplet at high activity level that are currentlyunaccounted for, but also possibly from a failure to adequately modelthe atmospheres of K-type stars. These results suggest that some cautionshould be exercised when interpreting oxygen abundances in activebinaries or young open cluster stars.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory,Chile (Proposals 64.L-0249 and 071.D-0260).Table \ref{tab_data} is only available in electronic form athttp://www.edpsciences.org

Kinematics of chromospherically active binaries and evidence of an orbital period decrease in binary evolution
The kinematics of 237 chromospherically active binaries (CABs) werestudied. The sample is heterogeneous with different orbits andphysically different components from F to M spectral-type main-sequencestars to G and K giants and supergiants. The computed U, V, W spacevelocities indicate that the sample is also heterogeneous in velocityspace. That is, both kinematically younger and older systems exist amongthe non-evolved main sequence and the evolved binaries containing giantsand subgiants. The kinematically young (0.95 Gyr) subsample (N= 95),which is formed according to the kinematical criteria of moving groups,was compared with the rest (N= 142) of the sample (3.86 Gyr) toinvestigate any observational clues of binary evolution. Comparing theorbital period histograms between the younger and older subsamples,evidence was found supporting the finding of Demircan that the CABs losemass (and angular momentum) and evolve towards shorter orbital periods.The evidence of mass loss is noticeable on the histograms of the totalmass (Mh+Mc), which is compared between theyounger (only N= 53 systems available) and older subsamples (only N= 66systems available). The orbital period decrease during binary evolutionis found to be clearly indicated by the kinematical ages of 6.69, 5.19and 3.02 Gyr which were found in the subsamples according to the periodranges of logP<= 0.8, 0.8 < logP<= 1.7 and 1.7 < logP<=3, respectively, among the binaries in the older subsample.

Coronal versus photospheric abundances of stars with different activity levels
We report a detailed analysis of the coronal abundance of 4 stars withvarying levels of activity and with accurately known photosphericabundances. The coronal abundance is determined here using a line fluxanalysis and a full determination of the differential emission measure.Photospheric abundance values are taken from the literature. Previouscoronal abundance determinations have generally been compared to solarphotospheric abundances; from this a number of general properties havebeen inferred, such as the presence of a coronal metal depletion with aninverse First Ionization Potential correlated with activity level. Herewe show that, when coronal abundances are compared with realphotospheric values for the individual stars, the resulting pattern canbe very different. Also, we present evidence that, in some cases, thecoronal metal abundance may not be uniform in the corona; in particularit can vary with the temperature of the emitting plasma.Tables 4-7 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/416/281

The photospheric abundances of active binaries. II. Atmospheric parameters and abundance patterns for 6 single-lined RS CVn systems
Photospheric parameters and abundances are presented for a sample ofsingle-lined chromospherically active binaries from a differential LTEanalysis of high-resolution spectra. Abundances have been derived for 13chemical species, including several key elements such as Li, Mg, and Ca.Two methods have been used. The effective temperatures, surfacegravities and microturbulent velocities were first derived from a fullyself-consistent analysis of the spectra, whereby the temperature isdetermined from the excitation equilibrium of the Fe I lines. The secondapproach relies on temperatures derived from the (B-V) colour index.These two methods give broadly consistent results for the stars in oursample, suggesting that the neutral iron lines are formed underconditions close to LTE. We discuss the reliability in the context ofchromospherically active stars of various colour indices used astemperature indicators, and conclude that the (V-R) and (V-I) coloursare likely to be significantly affected by activity processes.Irrespective of the method used, our results indicate that the X-rayactive binaries studied are not as metal poor as previously claimed, butare at most mildly iron-depleted relative to the Sun (-0.41protect <~[Fe/H]protect la +0.11). A significant overabundance of several chemicalspecies is observed (e.g., the alpha -synthezised elements). Theseabundance patterns are discussed in relation to stellar activity.Based on observations collected at ESO (La Silla, Chile).Table A.1 is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymousftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/412/495

Reprocessing the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data of spectroscopic binaries. II. Systems with a giant component
By reanalyzing the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data of a largesample of spectroscopic binaries containing a giant, we obtain a sampleof 29 systems fulfilling a carefully derived set of constraints andhence for which we can derive an accurate orbital solution. Of these,one is a double-lined spectroscopic binary and six were not listed inthe DMSA/O section of the catalogue. Using our solutions, we derive themasses of the components in these systems and statistically analyzethem. We also briefly discuss each system individually.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997) and on data collected with theSimbad database.

The photospheric abundances of active binaries. I. Detailed analysis of HD 113816 (IS Vir) and HD 119285 (V851 Cen)
The high-resolution optical spectra of the two X-ray active binaries RSCVn stars HD 113816 (IS Vir) and HD 119285 (V851 Cen) are analysed andtheir Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Co and Ni contents determined, in theframework of a larger program of chemical analysis of RS CVn stellaratmosphere. The analysis of IS Vir and V851 Cen is performed with threedifferent LTE methods. In the first one, abundances are derived for alarge set of transitions (among which 28 Fe I lines, spanning a broadinterval in excitation potential and equivalent width, and 6 Fe IItransitions) using measured equivalent widths and Kurucz LTE modelatmospheres as input for the MOOG software package. The inputatmospheric parameters and abundances are iteratively modified until (i)the Fe I abundances exhibit no trend with excitation potential orequivalent width, (ii) Fe I and Fe II average abundances are the sameand (iii) Fe and Alpha elements average abundances are consistent withthe input values. The second method follows a similar approach, but usesa restricted line list (without the Fe I ``low excitation potential''transitions) and relies on the B-V and V-I colour indices to determinethe temperature. The third method uses the same restricted line list asthe second method and relies on fitting the 6162 Å Ca I line wingprofiles to derive the surface gravity. The reliability of these methodsis investigated in the context of single line RS CVn stars. It is shownthat the V-I photometric index gives, on a broader sample of stars,significantly cooler estimates of the effective temperature than the B-Vindex. All approaches give results in good agreement with each other,except the V-I based method. The analysis of IS Vir and V851 Cen resultsin both cases in their primaries being giant stars of near-solarmetallicity. Their parameters as derived with the first method arerespectively T_eff = 4720 K, log g = 2.65, [Fe/H] = +0.04 and T_eff =4700 K, log g = 3.0 and [Fe/H] = -0.13. In the case of V851 Cen thederived iron content is significantly higher than a previousdetermination in the literature. Both stars exhibit relativeoverabundances of several elements (e.g. Ca) with respect to the solarmix. Table 2 is only available in electronic form athttp://www.edpsciences.org

Long-term monitoring of active stars. IX. Photometry collected in 1993
As a part of an extensive program focused on the global properties andevolution of active stars, high-precision UBV(RI)_c and UBV photometryof 31 selected stars is presented. The UBV(RI)_c observations werecollected at the European Southern Observatory over the 31 December1992-18 January 1993 and the 20 November-3 December 1993 intervals.Additional UBV photometry obtained by the ``Phoenix" and by the CataniaAstrophysical Observatory Automatic Photoelectric Telescopes from 1990to 1993 is also presented for some of the program stars. Significantevolution of the light curves, period variations and evidence forlong-term variability of the global degree of spottedness are found.Some spectral classifications are revised and the inferred photometricparallaxes are compared, whenever possible, with the values measured bythe Hipparcos satellite. These observations are finalized to theconstruction of an extended photometric database, which can giveimportant clues on topics such as the stability of spotted areas,differential rotation, solar-like cycles and the correlation betweeninhomogeneities at different atmospheric levels. Based on data collectedat the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile. Tables and thecomplete data set are also available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/367/910

On X-Ray Variability in Active Binary Stars
We have compared the X-ray emissions of active binary stars observed atvarious epochs by the Einstein and ROSAT satellites in order toinvestigate the nature of their X-ray variability. The primary aim ofthis work is to determine whether or not active binaries exhibitlong-term variations in X-ray emission, perhaps analogous to theobserved cyclic behavior of solar magnetic activity. We find that, whilethe mean level of emission of the sample remains steady, comparison ofdifferent ROSAT observations of the same stars shows significantvariation on timescales <~2 yr, with an ``effective variability''ΔI/I=0.32+/-0.04, where I and ΔI represent the mean emissionand variation from the mean emission, respectively. A comparison of theROSAT All-Sky Survey and later pointed observations with earlierobservations of the same stars carried out with Einstein yields onlymarginal evidence for a larger variation (ΔI/I=0.38+/-0.04 forEinstein vs. ROSAT All-Sky Survey and 0.46+/-0.05 for Einstein vs. ROSATpointed) at these longer timescales (~10 yr), thus indicating thepossible presence of a long-term component to the variability. Whetheror not this long-term component is due to the presence of cyclicvariability cannot be decided on the basis of existing data. However,assuming that this component is analogous to the observed cyclicvariability of the Sun, we find that the relative magnitude of thecyclic component in the ROSAT passband can, at most, be a factor of 4,i.e., I_cyc/I_min<4. This is to be compared with the correspondingbut significantly higher solar value of ~10-10^2 derived from GOES,Yohkoh, and Solrad data. These results are consistent with thesuggestions of earlier studies that a turbulent or distributive dynamomight be responsible for the observed magnetic activity on the mostactive, rapidly rotating stars.

The Wilson-Bappu relation for RS CVn stars
We investigate the extent to which the Wilson-Bappu relationship holdsfor chromospherically active binaries using the Mg ii h&k lines of41 RS CVn stars observed with IUE. The resulting fits are different fromthe relationships obtained for single, less active stars. The parallaxused were those from the hipparcos catalogue, these give a much bettercorrelation than the magnitudes taken from CABS. Within a particularluminosity class the relationship is good, however it tends to breakdown when we incorporate objects ranging in luminosity from class i tov. From model calculations there is very little dependence of the Mg iiline width on effective temperature. The line width does however dependon the column mass at the transition region boundary showing increasedline width at lower column mass. There is also a dependence on thecolumn mass adopted for the temperature minimum, however, the major anddominant parameter is the surface gravity scaling as g(-1/4) . Within aluminosity class more active objects will show larger lines widthsreflecting a higher column mass deeper in the atmosphere, e.g. at thetemperature minimum level.

The age-mass relation for chromospherically active binaries. III. Lithium depletion in giant components
We present a study of the lithium abundances of a sample of evolvedcomponents of Chromospherically Active Binary Systems. We show that asignificant part of them have lithium excesses, independently of theirmass and evolutionary stage. Therefore, it can be concluded that Liabundance does not depend on age for giant components of CABS. Theseoverabundances appear to be closely related to the stellar rotation, andwe interpret them as a consequence of the transfer of angular momentumfrom the orbit to the rotation as the stars evolve in and off the MainSequence, in a similar way as it happens in the dwarf components of thesame systems and in the Tidally Locked Binaries belonging to the Hyadesand M67. Based on observations collected with the 2.2\,m telescope ofthe German-Spanish Observatorio de Calar Alto (Almeria, Spain), and withthe 2.56\,m Nordic Optical Telescope in the Spanish Observatorio delRoque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrof\'\i sica de Canarias(La Palma, Spain)

Long-term monitoring of active stars. VIII. UBV(RI)_(c) photometry collected in February 1992
As a part of an extensive program focusing on the global properties andevolution of active stars, high-precision UBV(RI)_c photometry of 31selected stars, collected at the European Southern Observatory over the14-29 February 1992 interval, is presented. Significant evolution of thelight curves, period variations and evidence for long-term variabilityof the global degree of spottedness are found. Some spectralclassifications are revised and the inferred photometric parallaxes arecompared, whenever possible, with the values measured by the Hipparcossatellite. Flare events were detected for the star HD16157 = CC Eri, EXO 055609-3804.4 TY Coland HD 119285 = V851 Cen. Optical variability wasdiscovered for the Pop II binary HD 89499. Theseobservations contribute to the establishment of a time-extendedphotometric database which can give important clues on topics such asthe stability of spotted areas, differential rotation, solar-like cyclesand the correlation between inhomogeneities at different atmosphericlevels. based on data collected at the European Southern Observatory, LaSilla, Chile.

On the rotation-activity correlation for active binary stars
We present an investigation of rotation-activity correlations usingInternational Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) SWP measurements of the Civemission line at 1550Angstroms for 72 active binary systems. We use astandard stellar evolution code to derive non-empirical Rossby numbers,R_0, for each star in our sample and compare the resulting Civrotation-activity correlation to that found for empirically derivedvalues of the Rossby number and that based on rotation alone. For dwarfstars our values of R_0 do not differ greatly from empirical ones and wefind a corresponding lack of improvement in correlation. Only a marginalimprovement in correlation is found for evolved components in oursample. We discuss possible additional factors, other than rotation orconvection, that may influence the activity levels in active binaries.Our observational data imply, in contrast to the theoretical predictionsof convective motions, that activity is only weakly related to mass inevolved stars. We conclude that current dynamo theory is limited in itsapplication to the study of active stars because of the uncertainty inthe angular velocity-depth profile in stellar interiors and the unknowneffects of binarity and surface gravity.

Long-term monitoring of active stars. VII. UBV(RI)_c photometry collected in March 1991
In the framework of an extensive program focusing on the globalproperties and evolution of active stars, high-precision UBV(RI)_cphotometry of 19 selected stars, collected at the European SouthernObservatory over the 15-31 March 1991 interval is presented. Significantevolution of the light curves, period variations and evidence forlong-term variability of the global degree of spottedness are found.Most of the spectral classifications are discussed. A flare event wasdetected for the star HD 127535 = V 841 Cen. These observationscontribute to the establishment of a time-extended photometric databasewhich can give important clues on topics such as the stability ofspotted areas, differential rotation, solar-like cycles and thecorrelation between inhomogeneities at different atmospheric levelsFigure 1 to 24 are only available on the on-line version of A&A athttp://www.ed-phys.fr}. based on data collected at the European SouthernObservatory, La Silla, Chile. Tables and the complete data set are alsoavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

EUV Emission from RS Canum Venaticorum binaries.
We performed a study of 104 RS CVn systems in the extreme ultraviolet(EUV) using the all-sky survey data obtained by the Extreme UltravioletExplorer (EUVE). The present sample includes several new RS CVndetections; 11 more than in the published EUVE catalogs, and 8 more thanin the ROSAT Wide Field Camera catalog. The ratio of detections tonon-detections remained constant throughout the sky, implying that ourdetections are not limited by the exposure time but are most likelylimited by absorption from the interstellar medium. A general trend ofincreasing Lex/B (50-180Å) flux with decreasing rotational periodis clear. The dwarf systems exhibit a leveling-off for the fasterrotators. In contrast, the evolved systems exhibit no such effect. Forthe RS CVn systems the losses in the EUV represent a smaller fraction ofthe coronal radiative losses, as compared to active late-type dwarfs.

Long-term monitoring of active stars. V. UBV(RI)_ c_ photometry collected in Feb.-Mar. 1990.
High-precision UBV(RI)_c_ photometry of 12 selected active stars,collected at the European Southern Observatory (La Silla, Chile) overthe period February - March 1990, is presented. Significant evolution ofthe light curves, period variations and, in most cases, evidence forlong-term variability of the global degree of spottedness are found.Some of the spectral classifications are discussed. This paper is partof a more extensive program focusing on the global properties andevolution of active stars and is aimed at establishing a time-extendedphotometric database which can give important clues on topics such asthe stability of the spotted areas, differential rotation and solar-likecycles.

The emission of the RS CVn binaries in the IRAS passbands.
In the literature, there is an ambiguity pertaining to the existence ofa far-IR excess in RS CVn systems. In the current paper we undertook astudy of the behaviour of 103 such systems in the IRAS passbands. Wefound 72 acceptable detections in the 12μm band, and 40 in the25μm band (50% more than the IRAS Point Source Catalog). Although ourfindings may be interpreted as indicating towards the existence of anexcess beyond 12μm for some systems, the evidence is not conclusivein all but two cases. These are systems GX Lib and HR 7428, with Capellabeing the only system where the IRAS fluxes in all four bands originatefrom the stellar photosphere. Given the accuracy of the data we did notfind 12μm excess for any system. We argue that the IRAS data alonecannot settle the issue, as their uncertainty is, in many cases, higherthan what the Signal-to-Noise ratio of each observation implies.Furthermore, at the higher wavelength bands the IRAS angular resolutiondrops from 0.5' at 12μm to 2' at 100μm and the background becomesvery complex, so one cannot be certain about the origin of the observedflux. The existence of IR excess in the RS CVn stars is important as faras the evolutionary scenarios for these systems are concerned. Futuremissions such as the Infrared Space Observatory will return moresensitive and accurate measurements and the ambiguity can be removed.The fluxes we quote will be helpful when planning these futureobservations, as we provide more accurate photometry and for a largerselection of sources than the IRAS Point Source Catalog.

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of extreme-ultraviolet sources - II. The 2RE Source Catalogue
During 1990-1991 the Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the ROSAT satelliteperformed the first all-sky survey at EUV wavelengths. The survey wasconducted in two `colours' using broad-band filters to define wavebandscovering the ranges 60-140 A and 112-200 A. It was fully imaging, witheffective spatial resolution of about 3 arcmin FWHM, and point sourcelocation accuracy of typically better than 1 arcmin. From an initialanalysis, Pounds et al. published the WFC Bright Source Catalogue (BSC)of 383 sources. In this paper we report results from reprocessing of thecomplete survey database; the resulting list of sources is the `2RE'Catalogue. It contains 479 sources, of which 387 are detected in bothsurvey wavebands, a significant advance on the BSC (80 per cent versus60 per cent). Improvements over the original BSC include: (i) betterrejection of poor aspect periods, and smaller random errors in theaspect reconstruction; (ii) improved background screening; (iii)improved methods for source detection; (iv) inclusion of atime-variability test for each source; (v) more extensive investigationof the survey sensitivity. We define the catalogue selection criteria,and present the catalogue contents in terms of tables and sky maps. Wealso discuss the sky coverage, source number-flux relations, opticalidentifications and source variability.

Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update.
An updated version of my catalogue of radio stars is presented. Somestatistics and availability are discussed.

Are the Rotational Axes Perpendicular to the Orbital Planes in the Binary Systems? II. Synchronous Long-Period RS CVn Stars
Inclinations of the rotational axes, irot, are determined for37 synchronous long-period RS CVn binaries by combining v sin imeasurements with rotational period information. These inclinations arethen compared with the orbital inclinations of the systems,iorb, to test the alignment between the equatorial andorbital planes. Contrary to the asynchronous RS CVn systems (see PaperI), in all 37 cases irot is equal or nearly equal toiorb, and the assumption about coplanarity of theirequatorial and orbital planes is justified.

A large, complete, volume-limited sample of G-type dwarfs. I. Completion of Stroemgren UVBY photometry
Four-colour photometry of potential dwarf stars of types G0 to K2,selected from the Michigan Spectral Catalogues (Vol. 1-3), has beencarried out. The results are presented in a catalogue containing 4247uvby observations of 3900 stars, all south of δ = -26deg. Theoverall internal rms errors of one observation (transformed to thestandard system) of a program star in the interval 8.5 < V < 10.5are 0.0044, 0.0021, 0.0039, and 0.0059, respectively, in V, b-y, m_1_ ,and c_1_. The purpose of the catalogue, combined with earliercatalogues, is to allow selection of a large, complete, volume-limitedsample of G- and K-type dwarfs, investigate their metallicitydistribution, and compare it to predictions of various models ofgalactic chemical evolution. Future papers in this series will discussthese subjects.

Lithium in Rs-Canum Binaries and Related Chromospherically Active Stars - Part Three - Northern Rs-Canum Systems
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1994A&A...283..893R&db_key=AST

The active dynamo stars: RS CVn, BY Dra, FK Com, Algol, W UMa, and T Tau
Not Available

Longterm Monitoring of Active Stars - Part Three - UBV Ri/c Photometry of 14 Southern Hemisphere Variables
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1993A&AS..102..655C&db_key=AST

A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars (second edition)
The catalog contains 206 spectroscopic binary systems with at least onelate-type component that shows Ca II H and K emission in its spectrum.These systems include the classical RS CVn binaries and BY Dra binaries.The catalog summarizes information on the photometric, spectroscopic,orbital, and physical properties of the systems as well as space motionsand positions. Up to 42 'parameters' for each stellar system are listedfollowed by the appropriate reference to direct interested colleagues tothe original papers. A comprehensive selection of further informationfor each star is given in the individual notes. In addition, the catalogcontains a candidate list of 138 stars that have similar characteristicsbut are not definitely known binaries or have not had Ca II H and Kemission observed.

The ROSAT All-Sky Survey of active binary coronae. I - Quiescent fluxes for the RS Canum Venaticorum systems
One hundred and thirty-six RS CV(n) active binary systems were observedwith the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) during theAll-Sky Survey component of the mission. The entire sky was surveyed,which represents the largest sample of RS CV(n) systems observed to dateat any wavelength, including X-rays. X-ray surface fluxes for the RSCV(n) systems are found to lie in the range 10 exp 4 to 10 exp 8 ergs/sqcm seconds. Surface flux as a function of (B - V) color is reported. Adecrease in surface flux with increasing rotation period for the entiresample is observed. The rotation period provides the best stellar ororbital parameter to predict the X-ray surface flux level. The absenceof correlation of F(x) or L(x) with Gamma is noted due to the fact thatthe coronal heating mechanism for these active stars must be magnetic incharacter, and the magnetic field depends on the interaction betweenconvection and differential rotation inside the star. X-ray propertiesof the RS CV(n) systems with 6 cm radio and C IV UV emission systems iscompared.

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Sað Açýklýk:13h44m00.92s
Görünürdeki Parlaklýk:7.683
Uzaklýk:76.161 parsek
özdevim Sað Açýklýk:18.6
özdevim Yükselim:13.7
B-T magnitude:9.034
V-T magnitude:7.795

Kataloglar ve belirtme:
Özgün isimleri   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 119285
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 9004-1859-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0225-17842216
HIPHIP 67013

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